
Recent Posts

  • A Heart-to-Heart Discussion
    As I embark on the seventh year of my healing journey (I can hardly believe it myself…), I continue to be confronted by a variety of hard lessons that appear ... Read more
  • A Special Father’s Day Story
    Sometimes when I dream, I can feel my spirit traveling around the world while the rest of me lies perfectly still in bed.    It’s hard to describe in a ... Read more
  • Dear Nikki: My cat died, my heart is raw
    I always love hearing from you and do my very best to respond to the many questions I receive.  Sometimes, I feel your questions and my answers would benefit others, ... Read more

Recent Comments

  1. Thank you, Carol, for sharing your story with us. I am so sorry you lost both Rick and Michele. Knowing…


Ebook on meditation and mushrooms displayed on tablet.

Let's heal together!

If you are ready to heal your heart, you’re in the right place.

I've created a welcome gift for you that is deeply personal and full of magic.

This toolkit highlights the alternative healing modalities that have helped me the most on my healing journey these past six years.

Enjoy your copy of “From Meditation to Mushrooms” today. ❤️

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