How This Dog Person Learned to Embrace Her Inner Cat

by Nikki Mark

Hi Everyone!

This week I’ve got a slight format change because my blog article was just published by one of my favorite online publications, Tiny Buddha!

Many of you have been so encouraging with your compliments on my weekly articles, that you inspired me to submit a few to other publications that I like. I’m thrilled that Tiny Buddha saw something in my story and the way I write, and immediately published this.

While I’m not entirely comfortable putting myself “out there” — I submitted this particular article because sharing my journey of human transformation (and what I’m learning about truly healing from the inside out) is one way I can help others, and in turn help heal our world.

If you believe in this effort, I’d be honored if you’d help this article be seen far and wide by liking it, leaving a comment, or sharing it with others (or heck, do all 3 if you’re an overachiever type. 😉

Have a beautiful week ahead, and stay tuned for more exciting updates … things are happening over here!!

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