
Get Access to My Healing Toolkit:

“From Meditation to Mushrooms”

After my son passed away, I embarked on a mission to heal my broken heart. Six years later, I’m grateful to say I’ve made progress! I now share all that I’ve learned for the benefit of others. This toolkit showcases 10 of my favorite alternative healing modalities.

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Download additional resources below!

Navigating Loss

Wild and Crazy Books for the Soul


Navigating Loss

Ten Essential Books on Life and Death


Navigating Loss

Ten Thoughtful and Unique Gifts to Give Adults Who Have Lost


Navigating Loss

5 Ways to Help Young Children Who Have Lost Siblings or Close Friends


Navigating Loss

5 Ways to Help Friends & Family Navigate the Early Days of Loss


Healing Modality

Ancestral Healing


Healing Modality

My Five Favorite Books on Mediumship


Navigating Loss

Grief During the Holidays


Navigating Loss

Holiday Gifts with Heart


What Real People Are Saying


In a time where healing ourselves seems like it’s never been more needed, Nikki’s guide is a “must-read.” Bravely sharing her deeply personal experience of grief and inspiring commitment to growth offers much-needed lightness and hope that transformation is always possible. I will be recommending this to my clients.

Leslie Carson Aria, Licensed Counselor
San Francisco, CA


I love that this guide provides non-traditional, alternative, yet ancient therapy that opens you up to go deeper without getting swallowed up or dependent on something external. All of the personal and practical information also provides a truly helpful point of reference. Nikki is a beautiful writer, and thanks to her I have learned not only that I have the power to heal myself on my own terms, but I’ve also learned the language of hope.

Pepper Edmiston
Founder, Camp Good Times and Happy Trails for Kids
Los Angeles, CA


Nikki’s vulnerability and courage to share her journey and experience has been invaluable to me.  I had some of my own healing experiences but had a hard time connecting them clearly.  Nikki’s clarity helped me build a road map to hope, something I never believed I could find. It has changed my life and continues to influence me to keep showing up in my life and guiding me how to do that.

Lesley Hu
Executive VP, Waterfront Global
San Francisco, CA


I knew Nikki’s eldest son, Tommy. After his passing, I watched her journey and witnessed her re-emerge to build her eldest son’s legacy and survive for her younger son by building athletic fields to memorialize his spirit of play. I knew I had to learn how she did it. This guide is filled with magic, and thanks to it, I too have explored some powerful alternative healing. My only regret is I didn’t open my mind (and heart) sooner. Thank you Nikki!

Chris Rios, Hairstylist
Los Angeles, CA


Nikki Mark has introduced me to countless resources that I hadn’t known were available and initially was hesitant to consider. In the darkest moment of my life, I called on her for help. She expanded my consciousness and in turn helped me save my daughter and eventually myself.  She has served as my Divine Messenger.

Michelle Fullerton
Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
Los Angeles, CA


In this very simple and practical guide, I love how Nikki takes the very broad, amorphous, and often woo woo topic of “healing” and distills it down into 10 distinct methods, that are clearly defined and actionable. Even the woo woo topics weren’t too woo woo! This is a guide that is useful for everyone, and it couldn’t come at a more important time for healing in the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Andy Petranek
Life, Leadership, and Performance Coach
Los Angeles, CA